DNF Books

2011 DNF #1 – A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick

A Reliable Wife
by Robert Goolrick

Copyright: 2009
Pages: 291
Format: Print

Blurb: He placed a notice in a Chicago paper, an advertisement for a “reliable wife.” She responded, saying that she was “a simple, honest woman.” She was, of course, anything but honest, and the only simple thing about her was her single-minded determination to marry this man and then kill him, slowly and carefully, leaving herself a wealthy widow. What Catherine Land did not realize was that the enigmatic and lonely Ralph Truitt had a plan of his own.

I wanted to love this book. So bad. And I couldn’t even get through it.  290 pages and I could only (barely) tolerate 100. I’m still kind of curious to know what happens in the end of this book, but not curious enough to suffer my way through the rest of this book. The characters are unlikable, the writing is way too lyrical for my taste, and it’s overall just boring. I searched for some other blogger book reviews for this book and noticed that people either loved or hated this book. Unfortunately, I am on the negative side in my opinion on this book.

Sunday Wrap-Up

Sunday Wrap-Up, Feb. 5, 2011

This week my reading has been hit or miss. I was able to finish Divine Justice by David Baldacci. I really enjoyed it – it will be interesting to read the most recent installment of this series (Hell’s Corner) in the coming months. Now I’ve started reading A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick. I’m only about 50 pages into it, and it’s been good so far, but it’s much slower reading than what I’m really used to.

I met my brother-in-law’s new girlfriend this week, she’s really nice and I think she’ll be really good for him …. but I don’t really like that we have the same first name – talk about awkward depending on how far this relationship goes…

Anyways, here’s what happened here on the blog this week:

Posted one review: Divine Justice by David Baldacci

I was spotlighted on Jackie’s blog on Tuesday.

I also talked about:

So that’s all I’ve got for right now. I hope that this coming week is a good one, but it’s going to be busy for me at work (I’ve got payables on the same day as my payroll, yuck!). But there’s some snow in the forecast – even though we’ve been lucky and have missed most of the really heavy stuff – so I kind of hope for a snow day this week, hehe!