Sunday Wrap-Up

Sunday Wrap-Up, August 28, 2011

It has been one very long and very stressful week for me. I am a bookkeeper for a concrete company. Said company has 8 locations. I am only responsible for my one location, but I have to do it all – payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, transactions, you get the point. So this week one of the other bookkeepers went on vacation. Guess who got to keep up her work … yours truly. She only does accounts receivable, but it’s for three locations. So I was having to keep up all of my work and try to keep hers up-to-date as well. Naturally, I failed forgot to do something. And that something was something big. It was a big screw up. I feel terrible. It’s not the end of the world but it caused a lot of hassle for other people. So much so that I’m afraid to show my face at work on Monday. I don’t know what people will say to me. I feel awful and I even cried a little bit yesterday when I realized what I had done.  There is talk within the powers that be in my company that I will take on added responsibilities. Well if I couldn’t keep everything straight in one week, I’m not sure how I would manage to do it on a permanent basis. I guess I would get into a groove eventually, but now it terrifies me to even try it. I don’t need any more screw ups. I am such a perfectionist that it kills me when I do something wrong.

So here’s what happened at the blog, not as much as the last few weeks, but there were a few things:

  • I shared my mailbox. Only one book, but I think it will be a good one!
  • I participated in WWW Wednesdays …. what was sad was that I copied and pasted one entire section from the previous week’s entry…..
  • I had a quick post yesterday about my reading slump …. I hope it doesn’t stick with me for very long.

And two reviews: