Sunday Wrap-Up

Sunday Wrap-Up, October 2, 2011

Wow. October already. I can’t believe it. I have no clue where this year has gone. The years just keep flying by. I guess everyone feels this way, I’m just so not used to it. I never experienced it until I was out of college, which has been longer than I can even think possible! Anyway, it’s been a crazy last few weeks for us. As most of you know, the hubs had a surgery consultation about having his gallbladder removed. We are scheduled for 6:30am on Tuesday morning, so this coming week is going to be tough on our household. I will be taking off work at least Tuesday and Wednesday and probably Thursday and Friday if I need to in order to play nurse. I figure by Friday he’ll want me (and the dog … I take my dog to work, lol) out of the house. So there probably won’t be much going on here at the blog in the coming week. I’ve been working on getting my review index formatted in a way that better suits me (check it out, it’s makes me feel good because I learned some new HTML!) plus I’ve started up two new side blogs (Series Obsessed and Link Obsessed) to keep track of all the series that I read as well as a blog that’s just going to focus on my lists. I haven’t linked the list blog yet, I just started it. Oh and I also added a nifty jump to on my Acquired & Read in 2011 lists. I’m proud of that too. So I’ve been pretty busy with formatting things the way I want them and I will probably put in way too much time on those projects in the coming weeks. I’ve been reading, but I find that Brad Thor books are more time-consuming than the other books I read … I have to pay more attention to them, but I am really enjoying this series. So now that I’ve rambled on longer than I should have, here’s what you might have missed this past week on the blog:

And two reviews:

So that’s about all I’ve got for today. We are going to Nashville to see 3 Doors Down & Theory of a Deadman in concert tonight, that was my birthday gift to Nathan. Buster is at the kennel and the house feels so empty without him 😦

I hope everyone has a great up-coming week! I’m off to read some more out of State of the Union by Brad Thor!